Our expertise
IVL facilitates international projects around the world, with a strategic focus on China and India. Some ongoing projects, within both the EU as well as Africa and South America, are focused on alternative energy sources, district cooling and heating, wastewater treatment, waste management, and water usage.
The focus areas of the International Business Group are sustainable environment, sustainable society, and sustainable transition. The group’s eleven employees work as project managers and experts, often focusing on education and capacity building. The group also coordinates initiatives for other teams within IVL and works inclusively to involve internal experts.
The International Business Group works to bring innovation and research results to the market, as well as to facilitate the export of Swedish knowledge and products. For the latter, IVL is responsible for two export support platforms: Smart City Sweden and Swedish Cleantech. By promoting collaboration and business development among various stakeholders, and monitoring policy structures and trends, the implementation of solutions and the green transition are enabled.